New Year

I feel like starting this blog right before major holidays may have been unwise. I kept trying to make time for writing a new post, but since my husband and I traveled to be home with family, it was next to impossible!  The holidays were filled with so many emotions.  It was nice being around family, but it was also slightly bittersweet wishing that I had a baby in my arms. Here’s to hoping that the holidays this year will be filled with the joy of new motherhood!

Every time I saw baby items for sale and cute first Christmas ideas, my stomach did somersaults!  My heart was filled with warmth getting to hold my husband’s cousin who is just over a year old. I played with him for hours in the floor and held him when he got fussy later in the night.  My husband and I shared a glance and smile full of meaning as we stared at him sleeping in my lap.

We are both so ready and excited to experience parenting ourselves, that it makes it hard to be patient.  God always has the best timing and our best interests in mind, but sometimes I want to take things into my own hands. NOW feels like the right timing.  I want to smile as I walk back and forth in our home, soothing our baby to sleep and laugh as he/she starts becoming more active and mischievous.

For now, however, I am just trying to enjoy where I am now in life.  Each season has special meaning and lessons for us to absorb.  I am sure that the time I spend waiting to become a mother will be time that I can better prepare myself and learn as much as possible about the new journey of parenthood.